Working in the automotive industry for the last 20 years I have seen many different products come and go. Most of that time was spent in the retail automotive space working for some of the nation’s top auto part store chains. This time of year, we would regularly get asked to by customers to help them come up with ideas of gifts they could give to their special someone for Valentines. Here are 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for the car enthusiast in your life.

- JumpStart Pack– This can be used to jumpstart your car if you have a dead battery. It can also be used to charge up electronics that used a regular usb charge cord. This jumpstart pack also includes a light you can use in an emergency. Don’t forget the avid boater in your life. This can help get them started after ours of listening to music while on shore or floating in the lake. I take mine out on the boat so I don’t get stranded out on the lake due to a dead battery.

2. Power inverter– This can be used to turn the 12-volt system in your car to household 120v power. It will either attach direct to your battery or thru a 12 volt power supply plug. This is a great gift for those who love to camp and be outdoors.

3. Fix A Flat – This can be used when you have an unexpected flat tire while out on the road or in your driveway. You connect the can to your tire valve stem and inflate the tire with compressed air and a sealant to help slow the leak. This is not a tire fix, just a way to get air in you tire and get you to a repair facility. The cans come in many different sizes. The size of can needed is reflected by the size of the tire you may need to inflate in an emergency.

4. Emergency Lighting– Breaking down is inconvenient enough. Breaking down at night when visibility is low can be very dangerous. Having lighting to put out on the road to make other drivers aware of your location can help keep you safe from a collision while alongside the road at night waiting for help to arrive.

5. Cell Phone Holder– As our phones get more hi-tech our demand to use of them grows. With current smartphones pairing to most vehicles and stereos on the market today having a good safe way to mount your cellphone so you can remain hands free while driving is important. Having your cellphone safely secured will be one less distraction in the car.

6. 12 Volt Vacuum- Some of us do better than others with keeping our cars clean. Having a vacuum that plugs into the 12volt power which are commonly found in cars will make that process so much easier. Not having to go to the coin wash or gas station to use their vacuums will save time and money. Cleaning up those messes immediately will also help the interior of our cars looking good.

7. Emergency Safety Tool– This is one gift you give that you hope never has to be used. Yet if needed could be the difference between life and death. This tool will allow you to cut the seat belt if it will not open then break the glass of the vehicle so you can escape. Might not be the best romantic gift for someone but, it does say I love you and I want you to be safe if an accident emergency.

8. Floor Mat– We have all heard the horror stories of floor mats getting stuck under the pedals at our feet we use to accelerate and stop the car. This danger can be real. If you have experienced, it before then you know how fearful it can be not being able to control the car. Getting some good quality floor mats that fit snug and do not move are a great gift for anyone. Not only will they make driving safer they will also keep your carpets cleaner.

9. Gap Filler– Anyone who spends a good amount of time in their car has lost items down the abyss by the center console. Just the other day my phone slipped down there, and it took 10 mins to get it out. The stuff I found down there was appalling. An item like this has plenty of benefits and only takes moments to install.

10. Cup Holder Coasters– These cool little coasters will absorb the condensation on the outside of drinks that sit in your cupholder in your car. They are ceramic in construction. Great way to prevent cupholder with filling with liquid and making a mess. Not to mention they add a little pizazz to the interior of the car.